IF YOU WANT AND Can Afford The Best!
Hoffman's Super Hi-Proteen, long known as Hi-Proteen Special, has been proving a sensation. All Hi-Proteen products are good, all are complete foods, all contain a high percentage of Class A, the best complete proteins, all the amino acids, natural minerals and vitamins, all are scientifically blended and serve their purpose well, but the super Hi-Proteen is a superior product. Super Hi-Proteen is a blend of special nutrients from the best protein sources, skillfully and scientifically processed so that it has a higher coefficient of digestibility and assimilability. That's why Super Hi-Proteen Builds Better Bodies Faster. The products contained in Super Hi-Proteen, which rate from 90 to 99% of Class A protein, are so processed through the predigested enzymatic hydrolosates they contain, that the body assimilates up to 99% of their health, energy and body building qualities. That's why Super Hi-Proteen Builds Better Bodies Faster.
The palatability, low toxity and rapid physiological utilization of the material it contains makes Super Hi-Proteen a highly therapeutic product which is easily digested and assimilated, and also serves as a catalyst in the digestion of other proteins. That's why Super Hi-Proteen Builds Better Bodies Faster. Super Hi-Proteen has been processed and compounded so that it is offered in a palatable, concentrated form for those who through their underweight, undeveloped condition, their lack of strength, their lack of energy, their constant fatigue, have proven that they are unable to utilize fully the proteins in the usual diet.
Although Super Hi-Proteen contains no commercial sugar or artificial flavor it has a pleasant, bland taste. A very important rule of nutrition is that the body digests and assimilates fully only those foods which it likes. Most high protein foods, those with a high amino acid content, have an unpleasant odor and taste, and although they may be high in protein to begin, upsetting the user's digestive processes as they do, only a minute part of the value they contain can be utilized by the body. Super Hi-Proteen is the best tasting very high protein food. It a concentrated source of proteins of high biological value. It supplies all needs for growth, for body building and maintenance, in such a form that even those whose poor physical condition has proven their lack of ability to utilize ordinary proteins can make full use of it and obtain maximum benefit from it. That's why Super Hi-Proteen Builds Better Bodies Faster. It contains mixed amino acids, with especially large amounts of the essential 10.
Super Hi-Proteen is made up entirely of the best natural proteins processed to a very advanced state so that only the best and most desirable qualities remain. That's why Super Hi-Proteen Builds Better Bodies Faster. Super HiProteen is designed to be used where more energy and a high degree of protein food quality is desired. It contains an entirely new milk source protein nutrient, in which substantially all the lactose has been converted into galactose and glucose, just one step removed from glycogen or blood sugar. That's why Super Hi-Proteen is so quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The super proteins in this product build better bodies. healthy tissue, rich blood, strength and muscle.
We repeat, if you want and can afford the best, Super Hi-Proteen is what you need. And it is not so expensive either. A pound of Hi-Proteen powder contains 50 teaspoonfuls, or an average month's supply. You will benefit from as little as one teaspoonful a day; if you use it faster, you will receive even more benefit. Approximately a thousand large size tablets, two pounds, is priced at $10.00. You should use both Hi-Proteen powder and tablets, so that you will have this best of all protein foods available for your use at all times.
BOB HOFFMAN, York Barbell Co., York, Pa.
Enclosed find $10.00 for approximately 1000, two pounds, of Super Hi-Proteen Tablets. Enclosed find $5.00 for a month's supply of Super Hi-Proteen Powder. Check either one or both items as desired.
(Continued from page 61)
Whenever back exercises are employed, utmost care should be taken to warm up this region thoroughly with numerous repetitions and light resistance. Once the back is warmed up, it can stand amazing strain and show remarkable flexibility, even among those who are naturally stiff and weak. Some of the outstanding twisting movements we've featured within these pages as a medium for reducing lower back fat and blubbery sides, can boomerang on those who sit around in drafts and chill their backs then plunge directly into vigorous back movements. This is dangerous and encourages strained and pulled muscles in this vital region, resulting in an aching back that can plague you for months.
Many bad knees stem from such exercises that place an unnatural strain on them, mainly because of the position the legs are forced into. The "Hack Lift" has contributed to such complaints because very often the feet are not naturally spaced. I've always felt if the limbs were used more naturally, complaints would grow less.
Some years ago a chiropractor came up with a zig-zagged curved bar to ease the strain during curls, and while this was an excellent idea, dumbells could be employed with equal success. Nevertheless, this odd bar was the first step taken in the right direction to eliminate unnatural strains from curling weights.
Another condition, less painful but more detracting, are stretch marks. Unheard of years ago except among the very fat, today stretch marks are. found to be quite common. The flying exercises recommended to build massive pectorals may do just that in some cases, but many develop skin. tears instead, which eventually heal and show up as silvery streaks. Exercises that bring about such marks should be avoided or employed more carefully, but more important is to see that skin is supplied all the necessary elements it requires to keep it healthy, soft and fully elastic. Using excessive heavy weights is not necessary, in all exercises, to build muscle, but very often results in sprains, strains and skin tears. Figure it out, is it worth
Why are such problems more prevalent today than they were years ago? There is a very good reason. On comparing notes recently our conclusions centered around some of the newly invented exercises which are widely practiced today, and are supposed to develop muscles bigger and faster. Too many cheating curls, for example, for those who aren't prepared to employ such poundages can pull the biceps attachment enough to make them painful for days, sometimes weeks. The idea of handling heavy weights appeals to the majority, capable or not, and because this movement brings into action stronger and larger muscles the strain always falls upon the weakest link, which may be the elbow, biceps or shoulder. It may seem odd to a novice that the shoulder could be pulled while curling, but have you tried curling weights when your shoulders were injured? Just consult your anatomy chart and convince yourself why this is
possible. It has happened many times. Another exercise that could be labeled unnatural for many trainees, is the French Press. This exercise works the triceps in an unnatural manner, therefore it often strains elbows, especially when overdone by using excessive poundages. The greatest strain results when the weight is heaved from behind the head, instead of bringing it up with a steady, gradual pull. Those who employ this exercise in its various forms should be careful to warm up first by using a light weight and repeating the first set numerous times. Such precaution will help to minimize elbow soreness to some extent. Always bear this in mind when doing any exercises; to first warmup the muscles thoroughly before attempting any heavy poundages. Much grief might be spared.
Numerous exercises have been hailed as "new ideas for muscle developing" in recent times, but most of them aren't any newer than the standard curl which has been known and used ever since exercise in any form has been employed. Many of the exercises accepted now were tried and rejected years ago because they felt awkward or unnatural. Feeling unnatural doesn't always decrease the developing potential of the exercise, however, since many of us are constructed slightly different anatomically so that some of these exercises can be done more naturally by some while others find it impossible, which proves "what's good for the goose is NOT ALWAYS GOOD for the gander!"
As I write this an incident comes to mind. One of our fellows became obsessed with the lying-down-curl done with a pulley. He found it cramped his biceps faster but always experienced a stinging sensation after. After finishing his training one day on which he included more of these lying-downcurls than usual, he joined some of us who were having fun lifting one end of a car. He lifted the car with ease, but while he was holding his end up with ridiculous ease, it happened! The biceps tendon snapped! This wasn't because his biceps were weaker than any of the others, but they were weary and played out from those "cramped curls" and snapped from sheer exhaustion. It's possible, had he not exhausted his biceps with those unnatural curls, he could have lifted the car with all of us sitting in it without tearing the tendon. But unnatural exercises have a tendency to fatigue muscles faster because of the strained or cramped position the muscles are forced into, which doesn't speed development.
From the foregoing readers are apt to assume I'm out to condemn their favorite exercises. On the contrary, I think most bodybuilders can themselves and things logically for realize when an exercise is doing them harm or bringing results, I would like. to reiterate, however, that such exercises which feel awkward or unnatural should be done first with a very light weight and repeated many times to warmup the tissue thoroughly. A muscle so stimulated absorbs the shock and strain better and offsets possible injuries.
The most common danger lies when one attempts to "show off" for his friends or training mates how much (Continued on page 65)
Little Samson
BARBELL and DUMBELL Set wet Hark INSTRUCTION Course Traning Start
Meter Cuti Sell Boys Clab
YORK BARBELL FOR SMALL FRY Just like Daddy's! Why cut down your big York set to make up a barbell for your youngster? That is like cutting down Pop's pants to make handme-downs for your child, and is quite apt (say psychologists) to give the lil fella a terrific inferiority complex. You wouldn't want that, wouldja, Pop? Give him a barbell all his own!
The Little Samson York Barbell Set consists of an aluminum-coated bar made to fit small hands, a full supply of real York 22 and 14 pound plates, and a pair of bright red solid iron dumbells (2 lbs. each), so cute your wife will want to put them on the living room mantle!
Added to this, we include a special Boys Barbell and Dumbell Training Course, a Little Samson Training Shirt for him to wear while taking his workouts, and an Official Membership Card in the Strength & Health Boys Club.
Make your boy happy-send for this set today. ALL FOR $7.95 F.O.B. YORK, PA. (Pennsylvanians should add 3% State Sales Tax.)
LITTLE SAMSON ORDER York Barbell Company, York, Pa.
Please send me at once a LITTLE SAMSON Barbell and Dumbell Set, with special Little Samson Training Shirt, the York Boys Training Course, and Official Membership Card in the Strength and Health Boys. Club. I enclose $7.95 in full payment.